A new church plant on the beautiful island of….
We are thrilled to announce the beginning of an incredible season and ministry that God has ignited within the hearts of missionaries, Norman and Niyah Vasquez. It is with great joy and anticipation that we invite you to explore the Together on Mission website.
Here, you will discover a multitude of amazing opportunities to partner with the extraordinary work the Lord is accomplishing through this ministry. Join us in being Together on Mission, as we endeavor to spread God's love and make a lasting impact in our communities and beyond.
Take your time to navigate through the website, where you will find valuable information about the various ways you can get involved. Whether it's through financial contributions, prayer support, or sharing your unique gifts and talents, there is a place for everyone to participate Together on Mission.
WHY: Over 85% of Guam residents are baptized into the Roman Catholic faith. Also, animistic beliefs including honoring ancestral spirits persist. There is a desire and need for Bible-teaching community-impacting churches.
WHERE: The U.S Territory of Guam is the southernmost island in the Mariana Islands chain. Native Guamanians, ethnically called Chamorros and other Micronesians constitute half of Guam's population. Asian groups including Filipinos and Koreans make up another 1/3 with the U.S Military comprising the rest.
As a licensed and ordained minister, Rev. Vasquez has pastored since 2005. He previously served 11 years as an associate pastor under Dr. Tony Evans, Senior Pastor of Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship in Dallas, TX.
Pastor Vasquez holds a Bachelor of Science degree from Liberty University. He is married to his best friend Niyah and is the proud father of three adult kids. His passion is to connect people to the Lord Jesus Christ.
Niyah has served in ministry since 2006, having served on staff at Brooklyn Tabernacle and Hillsong Church. She has extensive short-term missions experience having ministered in the Caribbean, Middle East, South America, Africa, Australia, Asia and the South Pacific.
She holds a Master's Degree from Fuller Theological Seminary. Having traveled to nearly 100 countries around the world, her passion is to see the Gospel impact every tribe, nation and tongue for Jesus Christ.
Missionaries working to transform communities for God and for good.

Vasquez Family
“To transfer the values of Jesus Christ to impact the world.”
“To have transformed lives that seek to connect others to the Lord Jesus Christ.”
To make disciples equipped to reflect the vision and carry out the mission of Community Bible Church (CBC).
Dynamic worship that provides an experience with the Person of God.
Sharing life and experiences with God's people. "A church where no one stands alone."
Through the application of God's word with good works (Matthew 5:16), the goal of CBC is to visibly model God's Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.

Would you prayerfully consider supporting us and this work of the Lord? Your generous donation will serve as a firm foundation upon which we can impact lives for Jesus Christ. Thank you for your partnership and prayers.
Every gift, regardless of its size, plays a vital role in advancing the Kingdom of God. Through your faithful giving, we trust that God will provide the necessary resources to fulfill His mission in this place. We firmly believe that by His grace, He will raise up a community of individuals and churches who are willing to partner with us financially, accelerating the growth and impact of this Gospel-centered church
Together on Mission is registered as a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Contributions to Together on Mission are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.
Journey with us...
Worship at the Beach Service
One Month in Guam Recap
Special Farewell Recognition from Dr. Tony Evans.
Sermon Recaps with Pastor Norm
Sermon Recap ~ Use Your Voice!
Sermon Recap ~ Psalm 23